
關於大樂樂 About ViVo




Vivo Experimental Orchestra(VEO) was founded in 2003 as the first amateur chamber music group established in Malaysia which is conducted by the Artistic Director Wumi. It consists of 40 young passionate players. Improvisation is the one of performance foundation, we also concentrates research effort in traditional instruments performances and studies. Therefore in addition to our artistry is known for the exuberance of their performances and their warm interaction with audiences.

VEO presents with fusion of different genres, keep abreast of the traditional innovation and unique creativity. It was awarded the Best Original Music in Malaysia ADA Drama Awards. It was a great honor to be invited by Singapore Chinese Festival of Art, Shanghai Dramatic Festival of Asia Contemporary Theatre Festival and Malaysia NYO-Ba & Dancer during 2003~2008. In August 2010, VEO awarded the First and Third prize of The 36th Klang Music Festival Chinese Chamber Competition.

Since its establishment, the belief that making improvisational music can be a joy to everyone is one of the central tenets of their philosophy. Playing music of life that touches your heart to present the enjoyable performance and also bring to the International stages.

菊次郎の夏天 Summer

Friday, June 18, 2010


Homegrown Talent - The Three Musketeers, VEO upcoming concert on 21 AUGUST! They are 沈得信 [Pipa], Raymond Choo Boonyeow [ZhongRuan] and Chow Jun Yi [Composer] graduated from Beijing, China. Don't miss out such a great show, SUPPORT Malaysia music Talent! Check this out~ just contact us for more information or ticket order.
三位北京留學的孩子終於凱旋歸來,走在一條艱巨的藝術道路上,在馬來西亞的這塊土地上,學藝術的孩子確實一點都不簡單,畢業之後的他們又該何去何從呢? 之所以這樣,大樂樂實驗樂團與三劍客 朱文耀 沈得信 趙俊毅 一起聯手打造,2010年度的重頭好戲! 你又怎能錯過這一場既有看頭,又能支持本土音樂創作、支持三劍客、支持大樂樂實驗樂團的演出呢!趕快行動吧!

 鄭重宣佈:三劍客音樂會將邀請到本地揚琴演奏家【 Tew Tiong Ley 張忠烈】老師,親手操刀為音樂會排練與指揮,大樂樂非常榮幸邀請到他再次登上舞臺與我們同樂,如果你想更瞭解詳情,請留守【 大樂樂實驗樂團 Vivo Experimental Orchestra(VEO) 】網站吧!
